Hayes Creative is generously supported by The Russell Mills Foundation

Applications for the 2025 Hayes Creative programs will be opening in 2025! 

This program is built to support the mission of Hayes Theatre Co:

  • to advance the art form of music theatre
  • to enrich and develop the ecology of our industry
  • to create unique experiences that engage and entertain our audiences, reflecting the human experience through music and storytelling

All streams are open to writers and composers of music theatre, cabaret, and other theatrical performance forms that utilise music in storytelling. 

While early concept submissions are welcome, we’d also like to see evidence of your commitment to the project, and any work you’ve done to date. Please note that if your musical involves or significantly references cultures other than your own, then you should engage, or have plans to engage, in an appropriate level of cultural consultation and/or collaboration.

There are three different streams to which artists can apply:


A day-long workshop where a number of early to mid-career writers, performers and composers are selected to present a short excerpt from their project to a panel of industry professionals, and receive immediate, in-person feedback.

More Information about Showlab


This is for writers/performers/composers who have started on a new project, and are interested in receiving creative feedback on the work they have done so far, without the need for a live presentation.

More Information about Feedback Submissions

DEVELOPMENT SUBMISSIONS  [previously known as Open Submissions]

This is for artists who have a project that they would like our Hayes Creative advisory panel to consider for development support and funding from Hayes Theatre Co. This stream is for projects that are on the development path, but need support to get to the next stage.

More Information about Development Submissions


Bringing new Australian work to our stage is a key priority, and new musicals including Zombie! The Musical, Dubbo Championship Wrestling, The Lucky Country and Evie May have had their debut seasons at the Hayes following development through these streams. However, being selected for our Showlab, Feedback or Development streams will not always result funding or being programmed in a Hayes Theatre Co season.


  • Who is on the Advisory Panel?

    The advisory panel is made up of industry professionals – creatives who have varied experience nationally and internationally as directors, writers, musical directors/composers and dramaturgs.

    For more information on the panellists, please see the Hayes Creative Advisory Panel webpage

  • Does my project need to be suitable for a production at Hayes?

    Whilst we are always looking for projects to develop for presentation at Hayes, we recognise that our theatre may not be the right fit for your vision. Therefore, this is not a necessary factor for submission.

  • What sort of projects are you looking for?

    We encourage you to submit proposals that have the potential to advance the form of music theatre, and take an original and innovative approach to storytelling. This can be original work, adaptations from other artforms, or experimental works. We are interested in projects that celebrate the diversity of Australian cultural expression.

  • Does the project need to be a new work?

    Yes, Hayes Creative only supports new Australian music theatre works. This can include adaptations of existing ideas or jukebox musicals – however in this case, you must demonstrate that you have taken steps to obtain the relevant rights to the source material.

  • Will you accept submissions outside of Australia?

    No. Hayes Creative is run to support and develop new Australian musicals. However, we will accept submissions from creative teams that are not entirely made up of Australian creatives.

  • Can I submit for multiple streams?

    The Hayes Creative programs are set up in a way that a new work could be submitted to each stream. In this case however, we would expect to see noteworthy development based on feedback from the previous submission.

  • I have submitted a project in the past. Can I submit it again?

    If you can demonstrate that you have taken on feedback from the previous submissions, and there have been significant changes to the project, we will accept the submission again.

  • I believe my project is ready to be staged and doesn’t need further development. Am I still eligible?

    Before they are considered for programming, all new works produced by Hayes Theatre Co undergo development through Hayes Creative. This may encompass general feedback from our advisory panel, bringing in additional collaborators, a full workshop, and/or other development work as needed.

    If you would like to propose an independent, self-produced and funded production of a new or existing work for a place in the Hayes season, please see our 2025 Independent Production Applications guidelines.

If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected]